Tuesday, April 13, 2010


It has been long since I posted. So many things have changed since. A month passed by.

I'm no longer in IT industry. I'm no longer working under a boss. I'm no longer have warm colleagues around me.  I'm no longer having a full-time job i.e. no stable income. I'm no longer going to gym frequent. I no longer enjoy the air-con facilty during the day. I no longer have peace.

Instead, I'm working almost 16 hours day without any possibility of paycheck coming my way. I know I know i have to be positive all time but then I believe have to be practical and face the fact too. 1/2 time on the phone, web surfing, newspaper within a hot stifling bedroom with no fan on and a nagging mum, 1/2 time outside travelling meeting all sort of people. And I still not getting paid until a deal is finally close. It's pretty a difficult job being agent.

Many people think that agent earns big money. True. Some do earn a lot. Easy money? Not so. It takes a lot of hard work and blast of luck upon to close a deal. How many of us can stand making 30 calls in a morning and only 1 call being shortlisted for viewing and the rest are already either "rented" or "co-broke" etc? and how many can stand a nagging mum nagging WHOLE day on non-work-related matter.

Sometime I feel like giving up and going back to IT job but the dryness of the job turns me off totally.

I gota hold my horse!

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