Thursday, October 13, 2011

Say Cheese, Baby!

It's officially 10W3D and embryo turns into fetus now! I was caught surprised twice:- 1) a shape that represent the baby. The big head is first thing I saw. 2) the sight of baby moving its little hands and legs = cute! I cover my mouth in awe and said "Did the baby just moved? I don't know know it can do that now. " Doc replied "Then what do you think?" A tear rolled down my right cheek while seeing baby on the black screen. The baby stopped as doctor continued to probe. And hubby at one side, coolly "act smart" commented that's just the fluid/tummy movement that causes the baby to be "shifted" -.-" I FEEL LIKE SMACKING HIM RIGHTAWAY! And while trying to believe my eyes, the baby move again together with head now. So Kawaii. How i wish to have the similar equipment at home so i can snoop at the baby anytime. By the way it's 3.6cm only. Of course, after googling around, the movement is more or less the reflexive action caused by the still-developing brain, not of its own will! *Shrug* Nevertheless it's still cute wah.... My another friend told me they can look like astronaut while floating in that fluid bag. I finally understand what she meant when i saw such pic on the internet. Somehow mine is lying on the "floor" of the bag, like relaxing in a holiday.. Hee....looking forward to the next scan. OSCAR is on my next menu in 2 more weeks with lot of blood tests :( Here's my cute baby scan.

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