Friday, December 16, 2011

What the Fish!

Baby, you see your grandpa and grandma busy fishing for your nourishing food at bedok jetty !

This isn't too good news for your mommy cos mommy has to slurp up all those fishy-smelly soup with tonnes of calcium for your bones and teeth development. T_T

But really my parents love me and my baby. 真是辛苦他们了。Feel so blessed :)

Tummy Pic

At around week 19 day 4:

Not exactly round melon right? People told me how come my tummy is not that big yet at nearly 5 month. No Stretch Mark YET! The belly button is like being pulled inward.

This website is fantastic with a lot of interesting article (by Dr. Bran). I get to know our intestine organs get pushed up by the expanding uterus (okok, this is common sense), no wonder I have abit of gastric influx coming up my throat the previous times. It has subsided this week.

I hope the baby is developing fine inside. I have phobias of hospital scans. My gyn alway so serious like something is going to happen. :(

There is this website that will help to calculate the EDD as well as the number of weeks that you're pregnant. My gyn report show my EDD is 7/5/2012 instead of 5/5/2012 based on scan result. So roughly I still at week 19 day 4 instead of day 7.


Was climbing the overhead bridge across the PIE to reach the office building. Once on top, I was feeling so out of breath, and felt slight sore in the lower back. Probably was standing too long waiting for 2 buses. My journey on buses are not even 50% of the bus waiting time. You may be wondering why was i standing at the bus-stop. There's supposed to be seats right.

1) Busstop 1: the seats were fully taken up by the senior citizens after their marketing. -.-" except some who were oblivious to the fact that there was a pregnant lady who most probably look like fat woman with a big tummy.

2) Busstop 2: many seats ....but all under the hot sun.

These reasons are not still justifiable enough for my hubby to get a car. Not much money left after feeding our 2 maids at home. No choice. The old folks need a maid by their sides each.

How about taxi? hm...I save that fare for my 3rd trimester travelling.

(Baby is kicking me while i'm typing this. It is getting more active since this morning 6.45am.)

I really scare that I become auntie soon. The neighbour-next-door already coaching his baby girl to address us "auntie & uncle".

Body is totally out of shape, with soft lumpy muscles. Bleh!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Time flies..Already in 18 weeks!

I'm a lazy mother. Been busy with the online boutique business that zap all my juices left for other things. Gonna post a long one here since I decide to take a break from these madness.

Tummy Shape
My tummy isn't quite round melon yet and I don't look pregnant at all if i wear loose T-Shirt. Though it's getting bigger and bigger, day by day, it is still a B-SHAPE belly where the belly button is still pulled in. This got me into worrying whether is baby developing normally, given that our trisomy test result wasn't good. Have to wait till next wed's detailed scanning!

Baby Karate
But then I like to think baby is reassuring us that it is growing well, when the movements are getting more solid, from rumbling to thud-thud to kicking! I kena a few kicks this morning. Surprisingly, these do not freak me out at all. I did mentioned to friends before, that i am not comfortable with something alive(aka ALIEN) inside me kicking or trying to tear my tummy apart. Blame that Predator vs Prey movie!

Gaining Weight T_T
I have been eating more. My body weight (not baby weight!) is escalating. Strange that some forum's mothers are losing weight! My Music Master commented that I seem to be retenting water!! T_T

Plagued by Acne
Baby, mum has never been so ugly before until now, my face are covered by all the acnes and my arms are getting thicker...So you better be guai when you are coming out into this world.

Labour stories
I've been scared stiff by those labour stories posted by the mothers. My piles are hurting me now. So cannot imagine during the actual delivery date. I'm not really scare of the contraction (Excluding the back pain) since i suffered monthly intense cramps till vomit and diarreah almost frequently. I know I know, it gonna be 100x worse but it only going to last a few hours.

It is the dilation checks, 99% mothers mentioned are painful! I'm already screaming when gyn did the vaginal scans and pap smear (more painful). Plus the tearing and stitching parts are gross. Some mothers didn't feel it and some did. Wonder why. Ewwww!!!!

Happy News
ASOS has very pretty design for maternity wears (unlike those maternity shop in SG) and is having a free express delivery for purchase above $85. However my first order has not arrived yet for me to vouch on the quality. Should i buy or not? HMM..

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leisure Reading

Came across this page while surfing. Shared it with my hubby, telling him specially to take note of #2 and #10. He does look exactly like #10 less the morning sickness and cramps and tattoos. 

10 Weird Pregnancy Facts No One Tells You About

Published on 3/11/2011 under Weird Science - by Jill Harness -555,514 views 
TAGS: Pregnancy Facts , weird Pregnancy, pregnancy fact

Whether you're a woman who hasn't yet been pregnant or a man who wants to better understand what an expectant mother really goes through, these 10 things that occur while a woman is pregnant are all strange and often disturbing. These are the weird things that happen during pregnancy that people probably won't tell you about.

 You Could Be Pregnant For Over A Year

You Could Be Pregnant For Over A Year
Most pregnancies last for about 9 months and doctors are likely to induce labor if pregnancy goes on too long. That being said, it is possible to be pregnant for a whole year. The world's longest pregnancy lasted 375 days, strangely, the baby was only a little under seven pounds.

It certainly puts a whole new perspective on being a few weeks late, doesn't it?
(Link  | Photo )

 A Male Fetus Can Get Erections In The Womb

A Male Fetus Can Get Erections In The Womb
Most mothers don't like to think about their baby boys getting erections, even when they are teenagers, but the fact is that many baby boys get boners while they're still in the womb. In fact, babies of both sexes are known to masturbate in utero, but boys are the only ones who can be caught while aroused on the sonogram.

If having sex while pregnant seemed a little creepy before now, just imagine what your baby is doing while you make love. (Link  | Photo )

 Your Entire Undercarriage Might Need Stitches

Your Entire Undercarriage Might Need Stitches
The last place any woman wants stitches is in her taint, but many mothers have to get that area closed up surgically. Nine out of ten women have some type of vaginal tearing after birth, but there are many degrees of tearing. Some tears only require a little care or a few stitches, but the really bad cases go from the vagina all the way to the anus. Some can even affect the muscles beyond your anus. On the upside, tearing that reaches the anus is somewhat rare and only affects one in one hundred mothers.

Massaging the area prior to child birth can reduce tearing, but even then, it won't completely stop tearing in most people.
Suddenly, getting a C-section started sounding a whole lot more appealing, huh? (Link  | Photo )

 You May Just Poop Yourself

You May Just Poop Yourself
During childbirth, it is extremely common for a woman to accidentally expel the contents of her bowels. There is a good reason for this –the muscles you use to push the baby out are the same ones you ordinarily use during a bowelmovement. As if that weren't enough to get your sphincter ready to go, the baby directly pushes on the rectum as it makes its exit, helping to squeeze out anything near the exit.

In olden times, it was common for nurses to give enemas prior to labor, but this practice didn't end up stopping the mess from happening and often caused dehydration. These days, your doctors and nurses will be ready to help clean up the mess. In most cases, they won't even say anything about it so you won't know the difference.
It does make you think twice about filming the birth though, doesn't it?(Link  | Photo )

 You Really Will Glow

You Really Will Glow
Saying a pregnant woman is glowing is a common expression, but most people chalk it up to the woman's excitement about becoming a mommy. As it turns out though, glowing skin is a very real thing for pregnant women. While you're pregnant, the amount of blood in your body will increase by 50%. The extra blood ends up showing through the skin in many areas, particularly the cheeks.

On top of this, hormones cause the oil glands to become more active, resulting in a softer, shinier appearance. When the increased blood flow combines with shine, the result is a noticeable glow. (Link | Photo )

 Your Sense of Smell Gets Better

Your Sense of Smell Gets Better
During pregnancy, your sense of smell increases drastically, as does your sense of taste. Scientists hypothesize that this is to help pregnant mothers avoid eating small levels of toxins that might not be dangerous to an adult, but could be deadly to a fetus. As smoke, alcohol and coffee are all particularly noticeable to pregnant women, this theory certainly seems to be on the right path. (Link | Photo )

 Contractions Don't Stop After Birth

Contractions Don't Stop After Birth
Most mothers will have contractions for the first few days after birth. Themuscle cramps are the body's way of stopping excess blood loss. On the upside, if you give birth at the hospital, you'll still be pretty drugged up and will probably barely even notice. (Link  | Photo )

 You Don't Really Need To Eat For Two

You Don't Really Need To Eat For Two
Despite the widespread rumors that say pregnant women need to gain all the weight they can in order to birth a healthy baby, the truth is that most women will only need an extra 300 calories per day. That's equivalent to about one serving of yogurt and half a bagel. Most women only need to gain about 25 pounds throughout their entire pregnancy.

Of course, if you happen to be at the buffet and are having a tough time resisting the desserts section, go ahead and sneak a little extra. No one will give a pregnant woman a hard time if she pigs out. (Link  | Photo )

 Your Feet Can Grow Up To One Full Shoe Size

Your Feet Can Grow Up To One Full Shoe Size
If you're wondering why your feet will get so big when you only gain 25 pounds, it has to do with the excess pressure on your feet paired with relaxed ligaments in your body. As your pregnancy wears on, your body starts to release the tightness of its ligaments to help with the birthing process. Unfortunately for your shoes, this also means your feet start to lose their arch and stretch out on the sides. The flatter, wider shape of your feet will probably be temporary, but if they grew too much, the change could end up being permanent. If your feet do stay a bit larger, it certainly will serve as a great excuse to buy more shoes. (Link | Photo )

 The Father Might Show Symptoms of Pregnancy

The Father Might Show Symptoms of Pregnancy
It's surprisingly common for a father-to-be to start gaining weight, getting morning sickness and even feel cramps in his lower abdomenThe conditionis known as a sympathetic pregnancy or the Couvade Syndrome, which comes from the french word couvee meaning "to hatch"

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Chinese Gender Calendar

Just did an interesting thing online.
The Chinese Gender Calendar, also known as the Chinese Birth Gender Chart, is considered one of the oldest methods for predicting the gender of an unborn baby. It is also one of the simplest, where the only necessary information is the mother's age at conception along with month of conception. To the rationally minded, such predictions may seem absurd, but the question is: do we really understand the subtle operations of nature and the universe?
I did hear of this before and it was claimed to be quite accurate. I entered my birthdate and a range of possible conception dates The genders revealed are all the way "BOY" And later, me and hubby are playing around with conceptions date for next years and all revealed "GIRL" Hark! if this is real, then i can close factory by year 2014. Anyway all these are for moment fun. Pray hard that baby is healthy is all i want!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Say Cheese, Baby!

It's officially 10W3D and embryo turns into fetus now! I was caught surprised twice:- 1) a shape that represent the baby. The big head is first thing I saw. 2) the sight of baby moving its little hands and legs = cute! I cover my mouth in awe and said "Did the baby just moved? I don't know know it can do that now. " Doc replied "Then what do you think?" A tear rolled down my right cheek while seeing baby on the black screen. The baby stopped as doctor continued to probe. And hubby at one side, coolly "act smart" commented that's just the fluid/tummy movement that causes the baby to be "shifted" -.-" I FEEL LIKE SMACKING HIM RIGHTAWAY! And while trying to believe my eyes, the baby move again together with head now. So Kawaii. How i wish to have the similar equipment at home so i can snoop at the baby anytime. By the way it's 3.6cm only. Of course, after googling around, the movement is more or less the reflexive action caused by the still-developing brain, not of its own will! *Shrug* Nevertheless it's still cute wah.... My another friend told me they can look like astronaut while floating in that fluid bag. I finally understand what she meant when i saw such pic on the internet. Somehow mine is lying on the "floor" of the bag, like relaxing in a holiday.. Hee....looking forward to the next scan. OSCAR is on my next menu in 2 more weeks with lot of blood tests :( Here's my cute baby scan.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

After A Long Hiatus....Here I Write again....

It has been around 8 weeks. Erm, or 9 weeks?!?!

My baby supposed to look like this in 2D

As the week advanced, i start to feel disgusted with myself again. The Fats around the hips are intolerable!!! Can't wait to fast forward and slim down!

I don't know I be a good mum or not. But in times will tell. Let me enjoy my current status first.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Yeah. Finally. My suspicion is validated!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jay Chou

It's strange. He isn't exactly handsome to be an idol, his acting still sucks(think woody facial expression) fact, they describe his singing as mumbling on and on...but his talent in song writing has brought him so far to become one of the very successful singers in these days. I see him upon as modernised Chopin. I love his songs alot! and I love other singers' songs only to realise these were written by him. Never sick of hearing them again and again.

His concert is coming but I didn't purchase ticket. Was thinking whether should I regret? I don't like the idea of sitting far back in a concert just because i couldn't afford a better seat. Pity my dad don't really go for concerts work anymore and no more free passes to backstage.

The thought of opening a cafe with Jay Chou as theme, came across me while listening to his latest album on facebook. We tried singing his songs during our KTV sessions but all sound so awful. It would be a better choice to sit in a cafe sipping shakes/beer whichever preferred, relaxing with friends, while listening to his songs...why Jay Chou's management never thought of that?


Friday, April 30, 2010

On my birthday 2010

This post is created for my dear, to earmark his effort in giving me a nice birthday celebration! 
This cake is made by the world's best chef..that is my dear..

Here's the menu. We took the donna set with the promotion 1-1 set